A number of years ago I purchased the workout DVD
Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Since then I have put the DVD into the player all of 3 times, and never actually succeeded in finishing a workout without stopping. My last attempt was about a month after my son was born. One day was enough to convince me that it would be unwise to continue as I was a Stay-At-Home Mom and with no help lifting my child I could quickly end up in trouble. So back on the shelf it went.
I am blessed with having my mother in town to visit for the next two weeks. So in addition to spending time with her, and seeing the sights of Atlanta with her and my aunt who will be in for the second week, I decided that there was no better time to jump into the program than now. I have an extra hand to help if I have a hard time lifting my now much heavier son, and hopefully by the end of the two weeks she is here my body will have adjusted and I'll be able to function on my own.
For those who have not heard of the program
30 Day Shred is an intense workout program designed to make you lose inches and pounds in just 30 days. 20 minutes long, the workout includes a warm-up and cool-down section, as well as three circuits consisting of 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of ab work. It is a deceptively difficult workout, and I could not get through it without stopping a couple of times.
An added bonus is that there are three different levels of workouts on the DVD. I have only ever tried Level 1, and will stick to this one for quite some time. I assume that they progress in difficulty, which is nice because as you become accustomed to one workout you can challenge your body by switching things up. Not to mention that if you decide to stick with each level for 30 days each you now have 90 days of fat burning challenges to help you get in shape.
Over the next month (pending me actually being able to stick to the program) I will share my results with the program. Here's hoping that I can walk after the first day and that I see results fairly soon!