
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/21/2012 Weekly Check-In

Starting Weight: 195.1
New Weight: 195.8
Weight Change: +.7

Over the last week I have spent a great deal of time *thinking* about becoming more active and eating better.  Some of my personal goals were to drink more water, walk every day, and make all of our meals at home.  I would say that across the board I was successful about 50% of the time.

Some may look at that number and say "Wow, she that success rate is not good at all.  She really isn't taking care of her self". But I chose to look at it another way.  That is 50% more than I was doing before last week.  And it takes a great deal of hard work to break old habits and learn new ones, even those as simple as taking a walk or drinking water.

One of the best ways to get in shape, especially to adhere to your physical fitness plans, is to have a buddy.  Unfortunately my husband is rarely home due to his school schedule, and most of our friends in the area are in the same program as he is.  So instead, as you will have seen in my Shred Challenge Post, I have acquired a long-distance fitness buddy.  She may not be able to drag my butt off the couch and make me go walking with her when I feel exhausted, but the competition that we have turned it into certainly gives me some accountability to someone other than myself.

As far as food and water go these are still areas that I will continue to work on every day.  With my mother in town for the next two weeks food becomes a bit easier because she is currently doing the Weight Watchers program, so that is forcing us to eat much better than we may have otherwise.  While she is in town I will be taking advantage of her expertise in finding healthy, wholesome recipes.  And I promise to share these recipes with you as I find our new favorite dishes.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to you! I have such a hard time getting my butt up and working out. I don't have a relaible work out buddy either, & funny enough I just bought the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as I see you are doing as well - I have heard really great reviews, I cant wait to try it when I comes in on Monday.

    Are there any pointers you can give me? ...she kinda scares me lol
