
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Self Sabotage

Have you ever made the decision to make serious changes in your life only to fall flat on your face after just a couple of days?  This is a very real issue for me.  I make the determination that I am going to eat right and get in shape.  I make plans and lists and schedules.  I throw myself into it whole heartedly.  But after a few days I start to slack off.  It might be a quick McDonald's run while I'm out running errands, or a handful of chocolate chips because I'm CRAVING chocolate and just can't say no.  Then you start feeling guilty about those things, convinced that you are incapable of meeting your expectations.  And you give up.

That's where I was at last week after only 3 days of these changes I want to make.  I felt absolutely awful. It didn't help that we had a big party at our house on Friday night and when everyone left I had a house full of cookies and brownies and ice cream.  I am the first to tell you that when it comes to sweets I have no willpower.  Plus, if I was going to start over on Monday I really needed to eat all of this before then.

Recognizing these behaviors is the first step in figuring out how to make these major life changes. After all, if it wasn't for these behaviors I wouldn't have weighed a whopping 205 lbs before I delivered my son in May.  Determining the best way to deal with those behaviors so that you don't continue to sabotage yourself is another. And sticking to those changes... well, that's the whole idea behind making these major life changes.

So what are your self sabotaging behaviors?  And can you figure out a way to beat those behaviors so you can make a better life for yourself?

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